Merging shamanic principles with coaching and consultancy

Would you like to bring about a change for yourself and / or your business or manifest your own dreams with more enthusiasm, meaningfulness and energy?

We focus on a holistic and sustainable approach to healing, coaching, consulting and change management for our clients such as consultants, trainers, leaders or whole teams. 

We proved provide traidtional shamanic healing ceremonies as well as intuitive coahcing and consulting. All the work is performed with the guidance of compassionate helping spirits. 

Our goal is to generate even in hard situations an atmosphere that allows all people involved to gain trust and courage to foster an active participation in manifesting the change.



I have experienced Kathrin Wyss in various contexts, training, coaching, consulting, and spiritual healing. She has consulted as a healing shaman in different cultures effectively. I have experienced many healing rituals with Kathrin and it has touched my heart and soul. She is a extremely balanced in her actions in the world. She can move from detailed work to metaphor and symbology easily. I call this having a foot in both the world of the spirit and the world of the cognitive mind. She has an open heart, open mind and great connection to the other. In all contexts Kathrin is a valued asset in terms of her capabilities but also in her ability to hold the space of relationship. She is a very principled person and quite often holds a very leadership space in activities. An amazing team mate and team leader."  Judy D - Feb 2020

Hello Katrin, You are amazing! We are reading your book right now.  What a help you've been to us. Our energy has relaxed, yet we are excited about our journey ......Thank you for sharing your gifts and guiding us toward greater clarity...." Emily B.- 2019

"Kathrin is a women that operates from her heart her big heart. She enables healing insights based on her believe in human beings to find their own healing processes. She uses her background and skills as a pharmacist and coach and acts as a medicine women to allow people to fine their own pathways to their own self." Selina M. - 2013

"Travailler avec Kathrin a été une magnifique expérience à tous points de vue. Sa compréhension holistique du défi à surmonter, sa gentillesse, sa persévérance, la mise à disposition de ses nombreux talents ont participé pleinement à amener les changements souhaités dans un système bloqué et tournant sur place. Je vous recommande vivement les compétences de Kathrin, elle saura j'en suis sûr amener de la clarté à vos zones ombres en utilisant les multiples formes d'intelligence qu'elle possède tant dans ses savoirs-faire que dans son savoir-être. Merci Kathrin pour ton accompagnement. Du fond du Coeur, Nicolas" Nicolas von Burg, CEO Youniting - 2018


Interview with Kelly Nezat about the development of emotional competence

In August 2018, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Kelly Nezat, the founder of Soullab and the Spirolocigal Model, on the topic of developing emotional intelligence and how my life has changed. In the wake of this we had a second in-depth conversation, which is available under the profile tab.

The subtitles can be adapted to your own language